Exterior Facades - The Ultimate Guide | Frontek

Exterior facades make or break the appearance of your home or condo. That means taking care of all the necessary details needed to make your home look as stylish and aesthetic as ever.  So without wasting much time, let us look into the various aspects that go into dramatically improving your exterior facades.

The Benefits Of Exterior Facades

Despite common belief, the exterior facade of your house has to do with a lot more than just mere appearances. For starters, protecting against natural elements is one of its core jobs.  

Strong winds, salt, snow, sleet, and hail are just some of the things that can erode the outer layers of your house and can leave the skin of your home very vulnerable. By using an exterior facade system, you can easily protect your house against such phenomena. 

Another important benefit is that it improves the efficiency of energy in the system of your building by controlling any penetration (light), helps in heat regulation, and decreases solar gain. It also provides you with a fresh smell of the outdoors keeping your house airy and making it non-claustrophobic as there is a constant inflow and outflow of air. 

The cherry on top is that the exterior facade also helps with noise control which can be frustrating in residential buildings. So, all in all, it’s a great way to keep your house sustainable and comfortable to live in

Exterior Facades

Most Common Exterior Facade Techniques

There are many exterior facade techniques out there, of which the most common ones are- Greenwall, exposed brick wall, modern stucco, and wood facades. The green wall method is the most sustainable way to enhance the decor of your house. Also called vertical gardens, these are efficient in energy management as they minimize any emission of carbon and absorb and filter rainwater, reducing any pollution. 

The brick wall is all the rage for its aesthetics but apart from that, it has many structural benefits and is easy to construct. It’s a minimalist way as not many materials are required. The modern stucco design is made from water, aggregates, and binder. It is a very cost-effective method of coating your walls beautifully. It is coated over foam insulation. This in turn gives you a seal that is weather-proof and can minimize the use of indoor energy. 

Now, wood cladding panels made of porcelain are a very good option if you are looking for an alternative to wood facades. Made out of porcelain, they appear like wood but are more durable and don’t need any chemical sealers or upkeep to guarantee they work as expected.

Picking The Right Cladding System

There are various aspects that you need to consider before determining what the right cladding for your house is. 

  • You have to look at different configurations, appearances, finishing touches, colors, etc to begin with. You have to look at which parts of your home are volatile and need cladding. This would typically depend on which part of the house is mostly exposed to heat, cold, rain, etc. 
  • There are different materials of cladding to choose from like metal, stone, wood, etc. Metal facades made out of Metal panels are more durable while wood gives the rustic vibe you might want. Stone panels are also durable but can crack over time. 
  • You also need to decide if you will go for single-skin or double-skin cladding. The first is applied only to the exterior parts of your building while if you go for the latter, the insulation would also be put between two cladding layers. 
  • And for the finishing, there are different varieties such as well-polished, lacquered, smooth, textured, high-gloss, metalized, etc. 
  • There are different configurations as well from which you would have to choose including panel, brickwork, cassette, mesh, and textile- according to your vibe and the benefits you might be looking for. 
  • Also, you might look for added features that are available like a cladding system that is durable, non-combustible, has impact resistance, and is fireproof. 

Exterior Facades Under Weather Effects

Your building is easily affected by adverse weather conditions and it’s time you paid heed to it. The weather and such natural elements can harm your building beyond repair which is why having an external facade is of utmost importance. 

This is why you should always look for materials that are durable before everything else. There are a lot of things that can happen to your building due to the weather. The color of your house can easily fade over time due to the effect of heat that the sun produces. 

This may also lead to cracks on the walls of your house that run so deep that it gets difficult to make it better without compromise. There may also be algal or fungal build-up due to moist and damp conditions including humidity. These three things will very easily ruin the perfect picture of a house that you might have. It can also affect how durable your building remains after all of it. But worry not! All of these can be avoided simply by expert help who will help you find the right cladding system and paint for your house. 

There has been much technologically advanced progress that enables paint companies and such to be proactive in their endeavors to protect your exterior facades.

Exterior Facades Installation – 4 Key Steps

If you are looking to install an exterior facade system, there are a lot of things to consider. Different types of external facades and different cladding systems have unique installation requirements. So it all varies according to what you are going for.

Step 1– So, if we talk in generic terms, the first major step would be to put mountings on the walls. This will act as the base on which your facade will rest upon.

Step 2– The second step would be to then install vertical clips to the supporting wall after which you need to mount and secure continuous insulation.

Step 3– Next, you need to install vertical clips and then install and secure horizontal channels to the vertical mounts. 

Step 4– The last step of the process would be to attach the required cladding system that you’ve chosen for your walls. And voila, you are done with the installation process very smoothly and efficiently. 

As already said, everything varies according to the choices you make. For example, if you are choosing to go for a glass facade, you also have to keep in mind the measurements of the glass and level the surfaces of the wall accordingly. 

While in the case of a ventilated facade, you have to have proper anchoring brackets and then select the containment profiles according to the insulation. Then you have to lay and fix the panels and then the cladding of your walls accordingly.

Exterior Wall Cladding Repair and Replacement – How and when?

As already established, exterior facades are integral for the health of your house and you should be on the constant lookout for any breach in the line of defense at your house which might make your walls a place for moisture, mold, and mildew that can lead to rotting and structural failures. So, regularly do check-ups on the nooks and crevices and look for cracks and dark patches that predict physical damage. 

You should also be on the lookout for any bulging or cracking, blistering, and flaking of the paint that may take place due to various issues. If you figure out that your walls need repairs then carry them out very soon. You can maintain your house and protect it by cleaning it properly, using seals to avoid moisture infiltration, caulking, and also using painting as a way to protect your house from the serious problems that might occur due to these. 

If you are thinking of getting exterior wall cladding repair and replacement done on your lovely house, the first order of business would be to choose a reliable enterprise that will help you out with their expertise. They should use products that don’t compromise on quality and can give you the perfect protection that you desire at an optimum value. Also, they must deliver on time because you don’t want to be waiting forever for repairs to get over and disrupt your daily life. 

One such company is Frontek- porcelain facades by extrusion. They have decades of experience in the production plants of ceramic products and specialize in ventilated facades, porcelain stoneware, and clinker products.


Exterior Facades – Your Ultimate Pick

Nobody wants to compromise on their living conditions, especially when it comes to the houses of their dreams. Imagine putting all work and effort into your home only for it to disintegrate under causes you have no control over. It’s better to be vigilant regarding these things and get what needs to be done asap. What are you waiting for?